Bitty BBC micro:bit Xmas Bauble App featured image

Please note: This blog is now for information purposes only. The software is no longer available and this page is now only of use to people that already have it installed on their devices.

Bitty Software have just released their fun Bitty Xmas Bauble App that turns your BBC micro:bit into a musical and visual decoration for your Xmas tree, or anywhere that needs a little more added Christmas.

All you need is your BBC micro:bit, a power source for the microbit, a sounder (such as a piezo buzzer) and the Bitty Xmas Bauble App and you can instantly add some Christmas cheer to anywhere that needs it.  

Bitty Xmas Bauble App For The BBC microbit:

You can choose from 6 LED animations and 3 Xmas tunes for your microbit to perform. In order to hear audio, you will need a piezo speaker connected to pin 0 and GND. Bitty Software recommend, as do we, using a Kitronik MI:power board which neatly holds a battery and has a handy piezo sounder built in. Perfect! You only need to connect your smartphone or tablet over Bluetooth to the micro:bit when you want to set it going or to change what it's doing. The rest of the time you can just leave the micro:bit to do it's thing.

Micro:bit 5610_large_mipower_board_for_the_bbc_microbit

And for those days when you've had all of the Christmas cheer that you can handle, the buttons on your BBC micro:bit are set up as stop buttons for both the music and the animations.  

Useful Links (removed):

  • You can get the iOS App here.
  • You can get the Android App here.
  • Download the ready made HEX files here. The microbit code has also been published for those that want to add tunes and/or animations to the ones that are supplied as standard.
  • Bitty Software Apps video page, watch videos here.
  • Bitty Software are on Twitter, follow them here.
  The Kitronik MI:power board is the perfect power and sounder solution for the Bitty Xmas Bauble, you can add one directly to cart using the button below:

Project shopping list

For this project you will need the following items, you can adjust the quantities (including setting them to zero if you don't need the item), before pressing the "Buy all items" button.

MI:power board for the BBC micro:bit

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