BBC micro:bit at the iCSAT National Conference
Following on from the success of showing off the BBC micro:bit at the Leicester Creator Fair, we're excited to announce that we'll be taking it along to the iCSAT National Conference in Bradford on the 21st October.

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We'll be demonstrating the BBC micro:bit in the exhibition area, so teachers can come along and have a look at it in action. We'll have working examples of our own projects that we've created as tutorials that schools and teachers can freely use as either a source of inspiration or as supporting material for lessons.

Demonstrations of the BBC micro:bit:

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There will also be two 45 minute workshops where there will be demonstrations of programming it, and the opportunity to have a go for yourself. It's much easier than you might think as a great amount of work by a number of organisations has gone into creating excellent beginners programing environments, backed up with extensive resources design to help you make the best use of the BBC micro:bit when it rolls out.

Book your place and get ahead of the pack with the microbit:

There are plenty of other design & technology related workshops to make a day visit worthwhile, and it's free so be sure to book your place now.

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