Electronic tutorials

Learn how to design and make a variety of useful electronic circuits. The tutorials cover a range of ability levels and there is also a wide scope of projects to learn from. Up your electronics game today!

Whats in the electronics projects tutorials?

Learn how to design and make a variety of useful electronic circuits. The tutorials cover a range of ability levels and there is also a wide scope of projects to learn from. Up your electronics game today!

Whats in the electronics projects tutorials?

Making a Cardboard Pico Drawing Robot Arm hero image

Making a Cardboard Pico Drawing Robot Arm

In this first blog of a series we are going to cover how we can create a drawing robot arm out of cardboard using three servos, a Raspberry Pi Pico and the Kitronik Simply Servos for Pico board. Then we’ll move onto how to use the DrawingRobot Python library we created for the Pico. Find out more...