Igloo, PICAXE Wearable Module: Perfect for programmable e-textiles!
The Electro-Fashion: Igloo PICAXE Wearable Module is ideal for all of your e-textiles project needs including adding the endless possibilities of programming to your wearable projects! igloo_wearable_module_870

Electro-Fashion: Igloo, PICAXE Wearable Module

This PICAXE wearable module offers an easy introduction to the world of wearables. The board can be used to read inputs such as switches and sensors. You can also control outputs like LEDs, buzzers to add another dimension to your next wearable project!
  It is packed full of features and like all of our Electro-Fashion PCBs is double sided and has large connection points for the conductive thread making the connection very reliable. You can use Miniature Crocodile Clip Leads for prototyping There are three different ways you can connect a portable power supply to the Igloo including using a 2 x AAA Battery Cage with JST connector, a Sewable Coin Cell Holder or an E-Textiles Polymer Lithium Ion Battery (3.7V, 110mAh). You could also use a Polymer Lithium Ion Battery with a JST Connector as an alternative (Please note: The Igloo does not have a built-in charging circuit).


Power Supply options for the Igloo, wearable module

There are also 6 sewable I/O pins, making this a really versatile control board. Pins C0, C1, B5, B4, B3, B2 (the on-board LED) have Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) and Pins C0, C4, B5, B4, B3 have built in Analogue-to-Digital Conversion (ADC).


Features of the Igloo, wearable module

Pull-down resistors have been included on the board for pins C0, C1 and C4 so that you can easily use those pins with switches from our Electro-Fashion range. The board can be programmed via the official PICAXE software in BASIC or flowcharts or in Blockly to make programming accessible even to complete beginners. PICAXE also have their own stand-alone Blockly software that works with Igloo. Just download the free software from our PICAXE section of our website and connect the board to a PC via a PICAXE USB download cable. Features of the Igloo include:
  • Built in PICAXE 14M2 programmable IC.
  • On-board dimmable white LED.
  • On-board switch.
  • 6 sewable I/O pins.
  • JST connector and sewable '+' and '-' pads.
  • 3.5mm stereo jack for programming.
  • Low profile and compact size.
We've made a number of tutorials to help you use Igloo: The Igloo is a very versatile board and you can attach a massive range of e-textile accessories including sewable LEDs, light detectorsbuzzers switches and sensors . Don't forget! You can keep up to date with everything here at Kitronik by signing up with our newsletter here.

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